Monday, December 16, 2019

Dear Bobby, Please Come Home

Bobby's been at a conference for the last couple of days. My kids have honestly been as good as gold. It's been really a lovely experience just being able to spend sometime with them by myself before we enter the holiday season when I have to share them with everyone.

It's only when someone is gone that you realize all of the stuff that they do for you. Here is the love letter that I feel like sending Bobby. Do you think he'll come home?

Dear Bobby,

Please come home. We miss you. Here are the things, I need you to do. I am no longer a functioning human being.

- Cook and Clean the dishes. (It's an either or situation.)

- Take Out the Trash and Recycling

-Pick Up Dog Poop

-Unload the Dishwasher

-Fill Up Riggins' Water Dish

-Make Coffee

-Bath time

-Take Showers without an Adult in the House (Anyone else. Just me? cool cool cool)

Best Wishes and Warmest Regards,


Meal Planning: December 16

This week's meal planning in dedicated to one aisle at Trader Joe's. Bless the Frozen Aisle. I feel like the Dunlap's are supporting the kind folks at TJs this week. We travel for Christmas so we celebrate as our family of four the Friday before we leave. Because I want our kids to be able to have as much fun as possible before we leave for a week, I make sure that dinner is as low key as possible. I don't want to miss anything and I know that they don't either. The TJs appetizers are the best way to make sure everyone eats and can play at the same time. I'll report back with what I get. If it has cranberry in it, you can pretty much guarantee that we're having it. 

Grocery List
Find it in the Freezer
Potsticker Stir Fry
TJs Potstickers
Stir Fry Sauce
Find it in the Freezer
TJs Tacos

Find it in the Freezer

(Bought the Meatballs)
Dinner Out
Holiday Concert Celebration!

Dunlap Family Christmas
Apps from TJs 

Out of Town

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Random Thoughts on a Sunday Night

It's the second night in a row that I've been in bed at 7:30. I'm wiped. But being in bed early means that I've had many random thoughts floating around in my head recently. Since Bobby is away at a conference, I've had very little adult contact. Here's everything I need to say to someone who can ride at King's Island.

1. I have two more episodes left in Call the Midwife. I'm devastated. Anyone else hate the end of a series. I've become so invested in their lives and rooted for them in tough times. These characters become friends. If you haven't watched and love a British TV Show- I totally recommend.

2. My kids were stir crazy at 430 today. So I loaded them up and put them in the car to look at Holiday Lights in our neighborhood. Seriously, the only good thing that comes out of Day Light Savings is how dark it gets here so you can look at the lights at a normal time.

3. We went to a Movie Themed Birthday Party today at a friend of Bo's from school. Brilliant. Kids sat in one room watching Frozen and adults drank beers in the kitchen. Win.

4. I folded laundry today and had no missing socks. Where has my life gone that this is something I celebrate?

5. I'm mad at Trader Joe's right now. They discontinued the Soft and Juice Mango. The kids and I are suffering through the Costco brand. Send help.

So there you go. That's all of the most important things that I'm thinking about tonight. Let's be honest, it feels refreshing. If this was three years ago, I'd be writing lesson plans and grading and cursing myself for not doing any work over the weekend. It feels pretty good to feel like this right now. I have a washed face and brushed teeth and a couple of little projects that I want to do.

What things are on your mind tonight? Are you mad at TJs like me?

Have a great week!