Monday, December 16, 2019

Meal Planning: December 16

This week's meal planning in dedicated to one aisle at Trader Joe's. Bless the Frozen Aisle. I feel like the Dunlap's are supporting the kind folks at TJs this week. We travel for Christmas so we celebrate as our family of four the Friday before we leave. Because I want our kids to be able to have as much fun as possible before we leave for a week, I make sure that dinner is as low key as possible. I don't want to miss anything and I know that they don't either. The TJs appetizers are the best way to make sure everyone eats and can play at the same time. I'll report back with what I get. If it has cranberry in it, you can pretty much guarantee that we're having it. 

Grocery List
Find it in the Freezer
Potsticker Stir Fry
TJs Potstickers
Stir Fry Sauce
Find it in the Freezer
TJs Tacos

Find it in the Freezer

(Bought the Meatballs)
Dinner Out
Holiday Concert Celebration!

Dunlap Family Christmas
Apps from TJs 

Out of Town

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