Monday, December 16, 2019

Dear Bobby, Please Come Home

Bobby's been at a conference for the last couple of days. My kids have honestly been as good as gold. It's been really a lovely experience just being able to spend sometime with them by myself before we enter the holiday season when I have to share them with everyone.

It's only when someone is gone that you realize all of the stuff that they do for you. Here is the love letter that I feel like sending Bobby. Do you think he'll come home?

Dear Bobby,

Please come home. We miss you. Here are the things, I need you to do. I am no longer a functioning human being.

- Cook and Clean the dishes. (It's an either or situation.)

- Take Out the Trash and Recycling

-Pick Up Dog Poop

-Unload the Dishwasher

-Fill Up Riggins' Water Dish

-Make Coffee

-Bath time

-Take Showers without an Adult in the House (Anyone else. Just me? cool cool cool)

Best Wishes and Warmest Regards,


Meal Planning: December 16

This week's meal planning in dedicated to one aisle at Trader Joe's. Bless the Frozen Aisle. I feel like the Dunlap's are supporting the kind folks at TJs this week. We travel for Christmas so we celebrate as our family of four the Friday before we leave. Because I want our kids to be able to have as much fun as possible before we leave for a week, I make sure that dinner is as low key as possible. I don't want to miss anything and I know that they don't either. The TJs appetizers are the best way to make sure everyone eats and can play at the same time. I'll report back with what I get. If it has cranberry in it, you can pretty much guarantee that we're having it. 

Grocery List
Find it in the Freezer
Potsticker Stir Fry
TJs Potstickers
Stir Fry Sauce
Find it in the Freezer
TJs Tacos

Find it in the Freezer

(Bought the Meatballs)
Dinner Out
Holiday Concert Celebration!

Dunlap Family Christmas
Apps from TJs 

Out of Town

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Random Thoughts on a Sunday Night

It's the second night in a row that I've been in bed at 7:30. I'm wiped. But being in bed early means that I've had many random thoughts floating around in my head recently. Since Bobby is away at a conference, I've had very little adult contact. Here's everything I need to say to someone who can ride at King's Island.

1. I have two more episodes left in Call the Midwife. I'm devastated. Anyone else hate the end of a series. I've become so invested in their lives and rooted for them in tough times. These characters become friends. If you haven't watched and love a British TV Show- I totally recommend.

2. My kids were stir crazy at 430 today. So I loaded them up and put them in the car to look at Holiday Lights in our neighborhood. Seriously, the only good thing that comes out of Day Light Savings is how dark it gets here so you can look at the lights at a normal time.

3. We went to a Movie Themed Birthday Party today at a friend of Bo's from school. Brilliant. Kids sat in one room watching Frozen and adults drank beers in the kitchen. Win.

4. I folded laundry today and had no missing socks. Where has my life gone that this is something I celebrate?

5. I'm mad at Trader Joe's right now. They discontinued the Soft and Juice Mango. The kids and I are suffering through the Costco brand. Send help.

So there you go. That's all of the most important things that I'm thinking about tonight. Let's be honest, it feels refreshing. If this was three years ago, I'd be writing lesson plans and grading and cursing myself for not doing any work over the weekend. It feels pretty good to feel like this right now. I have a washed face and brushed teeth and a couple of little projects that I want to do.

What things are on your mind tonight? Are you mad at TJs like me?

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

I'll Never Throw A Birthday Party Again

I'm about to share probably a very unpopular opinion, but here goes. I hate birthday parties. Don't get me wrong, I love coming to YOUR birthday. I love celebrating you. But for me and my kids, I just can't do it. We've done a variety of different birthday parties for Bo in the past- a typical 1st Birthday party with family, a 2nd Birthday Party at MyGym with all sorts of friends and family, and then a 3rd Birthday party bowling. When it came to this year, Bo talked about going to Chuck E Cheese with a long list of friends for months before his birthday. To be honest, this sounds like my nightmare. I love all of Bo's friends and their parents. But I cannot manage or enjoy myself while at my children's birthday parties. And maybe this is a little selfish, but I want to have fun with my kid. I don't want to be running around and cleaning up the whole two hours. Other moms can be a hostess and throw a kids' party. I cannot.  There is a special kind of mom that loves throwing birthday parties. It is not me. I love my friends that can. I will be your Birthday Party wing person- cutting cake or passing out pizza.

So instead of throwing a birthday party, we're going to do experiences. This year, we chose to go to a water park in Lake Geneva. We rounded up some friends that were available and headed north. I brought some decorations that I quickly made with leftover teacher supplies. (Only handmade because I realized that Bo would want some sort of pomp and circumstance and I was too late to go buy something) We swam and ate and swam some more. It was a beautiful and memorable time.

Did Bo tell me that he wishes we went to Chuck E Cheese? He did not. Not one word  I put my head down on Saturday night and I was happy. I wasn't tired or emotionally drained or felt like I missed out on the whole party. Honestly, I almost threw him the Chuck E Cheese party of his dreams. It would have been great. I promise you that. He would have loved it and talked about it for future weeks. And maybe he'll have one next year. But here's what I do know about this Birthday Experiences.

1. Everyone got to participate. Literally every member of our family had a seriously good time. I think Elliott had the best time of all. Bobby and I both got to go down a million water slides and also have time to have fun with our friends. That's a win if I've ever heard it.

2. Pressure was taken off of that 2 hours. I don't know about you all, but when I've had birthday parties we've had to have everything scheduled- when to do cake, when do activities, when to do cake. Sometimes we've felt like we're at a birthday factory. Since we were there for 2 days, everyone was able to do what they wanted. Want to take a nap- Do it. Hungry for a snack- Let's Get Your One. We didn't even sing Happy Birthday because Bo didn't ask for it.

3. It was less money. Okay, here me out. If you plan all of this out ahead of time, you can get a great hotel deal or water park deal. Right now, Great Wolf Lodge is running deals for $99. When was the last time you threw a birthday party for $99? Buy some dinner and booze for your friends that come with you. Nobody expected a goody bag or a cupcake or anything extra. Less S for you to bring home.

Here are some ideas for Birthday Experiences instead of Birthday Parties

  • Super Fun Birthday Dinner (I'm talking Rain Forest Cafe or American Girl Doll)
  • Movies with Small Group of Friends
  • Overnight at a Hotel
  • Lego Land
  • Amusement Park
  • Water Park 

But here's the deal with birthday parties. There is so much pressure and expectations to do them. I'm here to tell you to do you. If you want the party, do it. If you don't want the party, do that too. You have to do what is best for you and your kids and your checkbook. Nobody wants you to do something that doesn't make you happy. Even your kids. Bo really wanted that Chuck E Cheese Party, I knew I couldn't handle it, so I didn't do it. He hasn't said one word since. We put so much pressure on ourselves about to throw the perfect party that will be the most memorable day. I'm here to tell you to take the pressure off. You and your kids deserve to have a happy mom rather than some shell of a person. So next time, you feel the need to throw a birthday party, remind yourself that you can say no. If you need an extra reminder, call me and I will pour you a glass of wine. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Pre-Thanksgiving Blues

It's almost a week from Thanksgiving and I've already cried twice thinking about this holiday. But why? Thanksgiving is my absolutely favorite holiday. My family does it up big with a multiple day affair. We play games, watch movies, go bowling, and visit our family farm. I make an Thanksgiving Sandwich that beats any opponent.  It's my ultimate perfection. But, I've still cried. I have a million what if situations running through my head, I'm already exhausted thinking about wrangling my kids, and full from eating too many starchy sides.

I'm worried about my kids running crazy around my parents' house. I'm worried about being ragged cooking and watching kids and socializing with my family. I'm worried that my super sensitive feelings will get hurt by an off-handed comment. I'm worried that our Thanksgiving is going to rival a Family Stone Christmas or This is Where We Leave You Shiva. I'm worried about it all. But here's the thing, little of this has actually happened. However, I've convinced myself that it's all going to go crazy next week. Because I need, no want, to be my very best next week when I'm with my family eating my seriously favorite foods, I'm prepping this week. Here's what I'm doing:

Write a Worry List
If you've known me long enough, you know that a list is one of my best friends. This time my list is going to be a list of all the things I'm worried about. Let me tell you my list is very long because I've written literally every thought that has passed through my brain- Elliott gets my Grandmas sick, nobody likes my new version of Green Bean Casserole, we can't get anyone to watch our dog, traffic leaving the city is horrendous. Write it all down. My list is written, but I think I'm going to take one more step- I'm going to circle the worries that could actually happen so that I can make a plan about how to react JIC.

Do A Little Each Day
There are certain tasks that I know need to happen in order to be ready to leave for next week. I'm going to start doing a little each day to make sure that it's not all looming on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. I've pulled a couple of shirts that I know that I want the kids to wear, I'll fill up on gas on Monday during my errands, and I've put my crock pot in the car. If I'm doing a little each day, I won't feel like I'm the only one working to leave the house on Wednesday. (Anyone else have this feeling!?)

Find Time For You
I need to take time for myself. If I don't, I lose my mind. While at home, I have mornings and naps to take time for myself, but when you're away those times don't always happen the way that you need. This time, I'm going to be extra focused on making sure I have 30 minutes to read my book and time to take a walk. I just need to be more vocal about saying what I need. During holidays, I get super plugged into what everyone else needs. Chop an onion- I'm your girl. Run to the store- You've got it. Fold this random laundry- You don't have to ask me twice. This year, I'm going to be more intentional about saying "Yes, after I....". I encourage you to do the same. I'm going to check on you and I hope that you check on me too. Also, please take your shower the night before and have a super cute outfit. You know how much I believe in "If You Feel Good, You Do Good".

Say Whatever
You guys, my mom taught my Grandpa to say Whatever about ten years ago and I'm going to be honest, I think it changed his life. I'm going to say and think whatever a lot more next week. Do you really care what your dad's second cousin's son really thinks about how much screen time your kids have? (In case you're trying to figure out who this is in my family- this person is made up. Does not exist) Or does it matter if your Great Aunt thinks that your should take more vitamins, eat less salt or use more moisturizer? People are going to say a lot of things to you this weekend. We need to assume the best with all of these things or at least more politely walk away and say WHATEVER. It's 100% your choice what to do with the things that your family says to you.  What people say to you is about them and not you. Put their comments in your WHATEVER category have a glass of wine and go love on your kids.

Here's the deal. Families and holidays are great, but you need to do what is best for you. Do things that you know make you ridiculously happy and leave all the other stuff aside. You don't need to be stuck in a conversation with someone that makes you feel rotten. You don't need to say yes to everything. You don't need to eat or drink something that you know makes you feel crummy. Take care of yourself and your people. Have clear expectations for what you want to have happen and follow them. When you feel yourself reaching for the wine drink a little water. And conveniently need to do something in a different room when you don't want to be involved in the conversation.

Have a wonderfully happy and relaxing Thanksgiving. I hope you find yourself surrounded by amazing family and friends with a plate full of food.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Meal Planning: November 18

It's the week before Thanksgiving, so that means a ton of cooking and eating next week. To help myself out, I'm pulling things out of the freezer or letting my crock pot do a lot of the cooking. We're hosting a Friendsgiving on Sunday and my in-laws are in town, so we have a lot going on. Because of that, I'm trying to take it easy on myself and help minimize dinner fights. We're also leaving early in the week next week, so I made plans for Tuesday and Sunday night dinners for the following week. Future Kate, you're welcome. I already know I'm not going to want to think about food next weekend. 

Every time, we have left overs I've been making a single serving lunch for Bobby and then putting the rest in the freezer. I've been putting leftovers in a muffin tins so I have quick individual services. You can literally do it with any food. In our freezer right now, I have pucks of mac and cheese, rice, spaghetti, and a variety of soups. It's perfect for those nights that you have to feed people, but you're not hungry or interested. 

Grocery List
Find it in the Freezer

(pull out in the morning and put in crock pot with extra enchilada sauce)
Enchilada Sauce
Sheet Pan
Beef and Peapod Stir Fry
Hoisin Sauce
Rice Noodles
Cream of Chicken Soup
Frozen Egg Noodles
Find it in the Freezer
Breaded Chicken and TJs Frozen Side
Quick and Easy  (Make your own Nachos or Pizza)
Sweet Potatoes
Ground Beef
Taco Toppings
Take Out
Momma Needs A Break


Crockpot Green Bean Casserole (sub mushroom soup for celery soup)
Cream of Chicken Soup
Green Beans
Mushroom Soup
Fried Onions
Dinner Out?
Amy in town!

Salad/Bowl Situation

(My attempt at being healthy right before Thanksgiving!)
Out of town
Out of town
Out of town
Out of town
Instant Pot
Pad Thai Sauce
Frozen Peppers
Rice Noodles

Monday, November 11, 2019

Meal Planning: November 11

It's our Bo-Bo's birthday this week. We're so excited to celebrate him this week. This week already has a lot of gratitude going into it. It just feels so special that so many people recognize how cool he really is. 3 is a tough age and the fact that we have so many people still along for the ride with this kid brings tears to my eyes.

It's super snowy already this morning and my fridge is full of delicious things already. I'm keeping our shopping list short so I can get in and out. Also, no waste!

Grocery List
Sheet Pan Dinner
Chicken Sausage
Cauliflower Tot Casserole 

(After many days away, no one wanted to wait for dinner last night! Moved it to today!)
Quick and Easy
Make Your Own Pizza
Marinara Sauce
Moz Cheese
Salad/Bowl Situation
Fish Tacos
Sour Cream

Find it in the Freezer
Chicken Pot Pie 
Dinner Out
Bo’s Birthday!!!

Take Out
Costco Pre-Made Dinners
(We’re at a water park, celebrating Bo’s birthday!)
Costco Dinner of Bo’s Choice (I’m so fancy!)
Find it in the Freezer
(I freeze my soup in muffin tins, so on Sundays everyone gets their own choice of what they want to eat!)