Thursday, August 15, 2019

Back to School Teacher Gifts

I've had a lot of people ask me and worry about Back to School Gifts. But before I even start this post, I need to share a disclaimer and I'm writing it in caps so that my message is heard loud and clear. TEACHER GIFTS ARE UNNECESSARY. Additionally, I'm going to give you some insight into the Teacher Secret World.

1. Teachers DO NOT keep track of who got them gifts and who did not.

2. Teachers DO NOT love or give your kids more attention because you gave them a present.

Now that we've gotten that settled, if you are inclined to get your kiddos' new teacher a gift, but don't know where to start, here are some ideas. I've also created cute tags for you to include with them. Excuse the puns, but teachers love them.

 Idea #1: Teachers are always running out of dry erase markers. They are putting them in their pockets and accidentally taking them home or drying out because the lid wasn't put on them correctly. This gift will not go unused. Also, this is a great middle of the year present. Buy an extra pack now while they are on sale!

Idea #2: Pencils. Teachers love pencils. You can never have enough pencils. I'm convinced kids eat them. No joke, I bought 3,000 pencils the year I taught 5th grade. And who can resist these cute ones from the Target Dollar Spot?

Idea #3: Pens. These are gold to teachers. They are perfect for filling out all of the millions of forms at the beginning of the school year. There are so many bright colors that make teachers ridiculously happy. It's crazy that 5 pens can do so much. Maybe you should get some for yourself while you are at it.
 Idea #4: Stickers. I think you know by now that kids love stickers. Teachers also love stickers because of that. I've gotten great deals of exceptionally cute stickers lately at the Target Dollar Spot and the checkout line of JoAnn Fabrics.
Idea #5: Chocolate. I don't think that there is a lot that I need to say  about this or why teachers could like it. Here are a couple of Pro-Tips: Resealable bag or individually wrapped snacks are a must.

Idea #6: A little self-care. Who doesn't love a face mask or a bath balm after a long day of work? While you're at it, buy one for yourself!

Idea #7: Who doesn't love a pack of fresh markers? Here's the best news. I spent under $2 on these at Target yesterday. Teachers love markers, especially some that they can hide away for when their pack is dried up and worn down.

So to recap, teacher gifts are not mandatory and teachers do not expect them at all. When I started thinking about ideas for teacher gifts, I almost took a group picture of all these ideas. But then, I didn't want there to be an idea that you should get all of these gifts. Remember, your kiddo is one of 15, 20, or maybe even 30 kids. You don't need to spend a ton of money to let your new teacher know that you care. Also, here is the ultimate Back to School teacher gift: a Thank You Note. Teachers love thoughtful notes more than anything.

To help you out even more, I'm going to send these 7 ideas to the first 7 Mommas that share their favorite School Supply below. The more specific the better. Mine- Black Flair Pens. 

Here are Gift Tags if you want them (I also gave you a gift tag for Hand Sanitizer. Also, an excellent gift!). You could also search the internet and find a million others. 

What other good ideas do you have for B2S Teacher Gifts?

You've Got This. 

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