Yesterday was not my finest day. My to-do list was super long and I had tons that I needed to get done. Because of that, I skipped my morning walk and went straight to the grocery store. I rationalized that this would be the best way for me to get everything done that I needed to do efficiently during Elliott's morning nap. Skipping my walk did help me get my grocery shopping and meal prep for the day done, however my creative juices were lacking and I just couldn't get myself to finish any project. Today, my to-do list is still as long as ever.
I am a creature of habit. I have trained myself to do certain tasks in certain orders that when one thing is thrown off I am useless. For instance, our dryer is broken right now. It's been broken for two weeks. Because of this, I've not been able to do put in my small load each morning, switch to the dryer when I'm making breakfast, and then fold at night. Seems small, but because I can't do those things I've told myself that I should throw the routine out the window. My post calendar told me that I was going to share my my morning routine, but to be honest as I was writing I felt like a fraud.
Because I can't have a repeat of yesterday. I woke up this morning ready to make things great and I thought I'd let you know how I make the most of each day. Enough time for everything- myself, work, chores, and my family. These three ideas and important parts of my routine came my good pal, Rachel Hollis. They've really helped me push the self-doubting and useless thoughts from my daily life.
Wake Up Early
I love to read. However, when I try to read at night I fall asleep immediately. So I now wake up early to read a couple of pages or chapters before I have to get things going. If you're having trouble finding time for your hobby or something that just makes you smile, try waking up a little bit early. Those 15-20 minutes will really change your morning and your whole day.
Move Your Body
You've gotta do something to move your body everyday. Yesterday when I skipped my walk, I didn't realize that I also skipped my time to think. It doesn't have to be a five mile run or a workout class, a walk around the block while listening to a podcast or music does the same thing for your mental health. I've just started listening to podcasts because I want to hear the end and I don't stop until it's over :) Of course, I've been loving Rachel Hollis' podcasts right now.
Start Each Day with Gratitude
Anyone else think "I'm the only one that replaces the toilet paper in the bathroom" or "No one would care if I stopped folding laundry"? When I'm not my best, these false statements are often the on repeat in my mind. The one thing that makes me my best is when I remember all of the amazing gifts I have been given each day. This practice comes from Rachel Hollis (I feel like this whole post is an ad for her. Goodness knows, she doesn't need me to promote her. But she does know what she is talking about). When I start from a positive moment everyday, it only goes up from there. Each morning, I write five very small pieces of gratitude that I have- a good conversation with a friend, the start of a new book, or a new inspirational song. Then, I add one piece of gratitude for each member of my family- Bo, Elliott, and Bobby. This whole practice makes me remember how lucky I am and how the lack of toilet paper doesn't really even matter.
So hopefully, this helps you think about what makes you happy and whole. Writing this today, reminded me how happy and whole these three parts of my routine. What do you included in your day that makes you whole and happy?
You've Got This.
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