Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Taking Care of Your Friendships

Oh you guys. I have the best friends. They are truly the most lovely caring people that I could ever wish for. Whether my friends live across the country or across the street, I don't get to spend as much time with my friends that I wish I could. Friends are what get us through it all. It is so important that we have our squad to keep us sane and happy.

Being a good friend is something that I strive to do and work at every day. So since I can't always make face to face time for my friends, here are somethings that I've done to keep my friendships strong.

Friendship Survey
Remember Secret Snowflake or Santa at work. Wasn't it so great to have someone buy you presents that you love throughout a whole week? Who says you can't have the same kind of love at other times of the year? I just saw somewhere on Social Media where someone created a Friendship Survey. They collected all of the same information about your favorites so that you can send goodies to your favorite friends. I immediately created my own and sent out. If you want to use mine to send to your friends, click here!

Schedule a Call
Raise your hand if you say, "I'll call you later this week to catch up" and never do.πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹This happens all the time. One of our good friends literally schedules monthly calls in his calendar. At first it sounded insane, but now my calendar looks very similar. Put those calls and texts in your calendar, it's the only way for it to happen. Also, I just talked to a sweet friend that lives on my block on the phone this week when she was driving from downtown. Seriously the best fifteen minutes I've spent in a long time. Cars are great times to catch up!

Send a Quick Text in the Moment
Who doesn't love a text that says "Thinking of You. Miss You!"? When you glance at a picture or something reminds you of your friend, be sure to let them know. Also, our phones are great at reminding of us about photos from the past. Send those pictures!

Other Great Ideas: 

  • Put Birthdays in the calendar (Kids Birthdays too!)
  • Send $10 for a glass of wine when you know they need it!
  • Send paper cards. Who doesn't love a little mail?
  • Respond to Instagram or Facebook posts with a comment. 
  • Put kids to bed and then meet for a glass of wine
How do you keep your friendships alive?

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