Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thriving Thursday

Five Things for a Thursday that make me feel like an absolute genius.

1. This piece of plastic in my diaper genie. I wish I would have read the reviews about this one. You have to push diapers into the container WITH YOUR HAND. No thanks. For the last 4 years, I have been doing this disgusting task. This week, I refilled our diapers and had left over plastic. And genius struck-put this piece of plastic inside my diaper genie. Now, I don't have to touch diapers more than I need to.

Image result for chompers podcast2. Putting books on hold at the library. I love getting new books for our kids, I just don't have time to go through the library and pick out books. Did you know that you can put books on hold and then, you get an email when they are ready and you go pick them up? You do now!

3. Raise your hand if you hate brushing kids' teeth. 🙋 It has turned into an all out fight in our house. Enter the Chompers Podcast. This adorable 2 minute podcast helps entertain your kids and teaches them how to brush their teeth. You can find it anywhere you listen to Podcasts

4. We lay out our hats, coats, shoes, and gloves the night before. It used to take a lot of support with me to tell Bo what he needed to get. To be honest, I'd get mad and take over.  I begrudgingly put down painters tape to help him out and it has changed everything. He knows that he needs four things and I might even put down a picture. Really trying not to turn my house into a classroom, but I can't help it.

5. Clean your bathroom while your kids are in the bath. My kids love bath time and we're often fighting with them to get out. Go ahead and clean that toilet while they splash around. You're going to be in there anyway, take advantage of the playtime! (I already took a picture of my diaper genie, I figured you didn't want a picture of my toilet as well).

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