Monday, February 24, 2020

5 Easy House Updates

Since it's winter, we've been stuck inside our house. Because of this, I'm constantly scrutinizing every detail and making constant lists of parts of my house that are annoying me or wish looked different. Truth be told, I've literally never lived as long in one house as I have in our current apartment. I'm feeling the itch to pick up and move. But since that's not happening next week, here are five easy house updates that you can make without breaking the bank or driving everyone crazy.

Put It Away or Move It

I am always a fan of taking away different pieces of decor for awhile and then bringing it back once I'm ready. I think blankness and simplicity is a great way to refresh your house. Give your space (and yourself) a chance to breathe and be ready for a change. Also, it helps me think of new places for me to move decor in my house. Moving it to a new room gives new life to something old.

Side Note- If you put something away and you don't get it back out, it's time for it to go. Donate it or sell it.

Recovering Art

Remember the Painting Party craze? It was so fun to go paint and drink with your friends on a Tuesday night, but for me it wasn't so great to hang that "artwork" on the wall. You can recover that canvas very easily with some pretty fabric and a staple gun or tacks. You can use your new art work as an art piece or a bulletin board. I recovered the Chicago Skyline picture with this Gingham Print that makes me pretty happy. I just used tacks to hang a simple banner, but you could put a wreath or sign over the top.

New Pictures and Frame all the Things

I realized recently that we haven't updated our pictures in our house in a couple of years. We only have pictures of Elliott from when she was a baby. I promptly printed new pictures of our family and friends. It was a quick and easy way to bring new faces and conversations into our house.

Also, frame all the things. I just framed three birthday cards and a drawing Bo did of me and my friend for my office. This corner has now become my very favorite place to hang. Dollar Store has really stepped it up with their decorative frames. You can find so many simple and lightweight frames that you can hang with 3M Command Strips. It honestly can't be easier.


New Pillowcases for your couch pillows make a world of difference. You can change the look and feel of your couch quickly with this easy idea. Amazon makes even easier. I've had my eye on these  and these and these and possibly a million more. All you have to do is slip them over your existing pillows. I don't even take off the old pillowcases.

Move Furniture 
I was that teacher that was constantly moving furniture in the classroom, so it's not surprising that I move furniture in my house.  I recently moved my favorite chair in my bedroom. It has opened up my office and I'm actually able to use my chair rather than creating random piles. Also, I can watch my favorite people as they do their favorite things. Getting a new view from the couch or your bed will help you get a new view of your space.

I know that none of these ideas are life changing or brand new, but I often forget about them. So instead of packing up your house or spending a billion dollars, start here. These small changes can help you take a new look at your lovely house.

How do you make small changes to update your space?

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