Thursday, February 27, 2020

Heading Back to Work

I went back to the classroom four weeks as a long term sub. You guys, you would have thought it was my first day of teaching ever. I was so nervous and scared and sad and excited and everything. It's the first time that I'm leaving Elliott and a two kid household during the day. I knew that I needed to be super organized and detailed about what I needed and expected from myself to not feel burnt out after three days. Here are a couple of things that I did to help myself out and to keep myself sane.

I picked out all of my outfits on Sunday night for the entire week. I also tried on all of my outfits since it has been two years since I've put on some of those pants and dresses.

Bobby was getting both kids ready for the day, so I wanted to help make his life a little easier. Each night, I picked out the kids' clothes and put them in piles so that if Bo felt like dressing himself he could. I would even put out Elliott's diaper and rubber bands. This process helped take away a little of the guilt that I wasn't there to help dressing kids. It made me feel like I was part of it.

I planned meals for the week that were insanely easy and that everyone enjoys. I knew I was going to be tired and I couldn't manage making a complicated dinner and hearing complaints. Be kind to yourself. When I went back to work when Bo was a baby, we ate a lot of BLT Sandwiches and Baked Potatoes.

I also packed all of my lunches the night before. Don't forget filling up your water :)

Pictures and Notes
Our Nanny shares pictures of our best girlfriend through Google Photos. I think this is a superior method for sharing updates. I turned the notifications off, so I can look on my own time. Without notifications, I don't feel like I'm missing out on each event as it happens. We also have a recording sheet so I can know about naps and lunches.

Get Up Early
I need quiet and slow in the morning. I also planned a couple of low key chores to do in the morning. I would put in a load of laundry or lay out kids coats. I knew I would be tired at the end of the day, but there are things that still need to happen. Morning is my best time, so if I could knock out a couple of things I would do it. I would also write this in my planner so I would hold myself accountable and not try to put it off to the afternoon.

Go to Bed Early
I found myself in bed each night at 8:30. I definitely didn't fall asleep at that time, but my face and teeth were brushed. I also drank an extra glass of cold water while I was in bed to make sure I drank enough water that day.

Give Yourself a Break
It's not all going to happen each day. I didn't do a lot of things that I planned to do, but I did hug a lot of babies. Babies don't keep.

What advice do you have for parents going back to work after an extended period?

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