Tuesday, September 3, 2019

First Day of School

You guys. First day of School. My heart is melting. Chicago Public School starts tomorrow. It always makes me think of that You've Got Mail quote- "Don't you just love New York in the fall? Makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils." Ugh, the best.

I've know for many days, weeks, and even months that today is the first day of school. So how come, I waited until this morning to print the First Day of School sign and wrap the First Day of School presents? I'm kicking myself.  As I write this, I've already had two cups of coffee, three swipes of deodorant, and a change of clothes. I've also added some new items to my calendar so next time it's the first day of school, I'm sitting stress-free.

Here's what is new to the calendar as of this morning:

-A week before the First Day of School: Print Sign 
You guys, you never know what's going to happen with your printer. You might have to delete the drivers, reset the WIFI, and change an ink cartridge. Not that I did any of that this morning.

- A couple of days before: Take the stinkin' picture. 
When your kid is 45 years old, the only thing that matters is that you have the picture. Not that picture was taken on a different day. Guess what- today it's POURING in Chicago. Our picture outside of school is going to have to happen another day.

-The Night Before: Lay Out Clothes
This is usually something that we usually do. Didn't do it last night? Ran around looking for shorts and shoes this AM. Also added, check the Weather Report so you can have the raincoat and boots ready.

-During Lunch:  Send Your Mom Friends a Text
First days are exciting and hard for everyone. Send your Momma Friends a quick text telling them that you were thinking of them and you are sure the first day went great for their kid.  Bonus points if you sent them a hilarious First Day of School meme or First Day of School prayer/wish.

Image result for first day of school blessing

Image result for first day of school meme

Happy First Day of School, Friends. Hope your kids have a great first day of school today!

You've Got This!