As a mom and wife, there is no time to be in a funk. I had about an hour on Sunday night to wallow and then I needed to pull on my big girl panties and get it together. So I did, but not really. When I am in this type of mood, I have to do the opposite of what I want to do. I wanted to eat a lot of processed food, rewatch old seasons of Real Housewives and throw my clothes on the floor. But I didn't. I listened to audio books (while I'm being honest, I wrote Books on Tape first👵), drank a million gallons of water, and drank a smoothie for breakfast. And you know what- by Friday I felt good again. But it took me five days of self talk and self care to get there.

Disclaimer: Sharing these lists is so personal to me and my family. I've written, deleted, and rewritten more times that I would like to admit. Please be kind in your judgement about me. I honestly think that the smaller things are what keep you full filled each day.
I'm the best mom ever because:

- I've learned the lyrics to Thunder by Imagine Dragons to sing to Bo at bedtime. (His choice, not mine)
- I let Elliott pull all of my pajamas out of my drawer and she thinks it's hilarious. (I do not think it is hilarious, but she loves it so I do too now)
- I listen to suggestions about dinner ideas
- I sit on the floor and play with my kids
I'm the best wife because:
- I buy whole coffee beans and then grind them at Costco even though it drives me crazy it makes Bobby ridiculously happy.
- I fold and put away clothes every day
- I refluff Bobby's pillow every morning
- I fill the car with gas before car trips

Create your list. Put it in a place you can see it. Add to it often.
How do you shake yourself from a super funk?
You've Got This.
(And if you think that you don't, ask me. I'll come up with a list for you)
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